Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Engagement Movie: Allison & Daniel

Here are my favorite soon-to-be newlyweds-movie style.

Allison & Daniel from Lindsay Willmer Photography on Vimeo.


  1. LINDSAY!!!

    I LOVED IT!!

    The music and the pictures fit perfectly together - not to mention the cute couple!!!

  2. So great Lindsay!! And to think you do all this wonderful work with 5 young children. You are awesome!!

  3. Lindsay, you have done an EXCELLENT job with their images and slideshow! You've totally taken things up a notch with this and I am so proud of you. I am sure they are totally thrilled! Allison and Daniel look amazing! xoxo

  4. Lovely video! I can't believe Daniel is already so grown up and getting married. So sweet!
    Thx for taking the pix the other wkend.
    Amber :)
    chloecatra @cox.net


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